This week has felt like it has gone on for-EV-er. Somehow, my sweet boy came down with a stomach bug and I had my first experience as a mom handling my child puking. I honestly didn't know what to do. I could paint you a very horrific picture of my first encounter, but since I will be discussing food from my Publix shopping trip today, I will spare you. We made it through and he is much better. There is nothing that breaks a mother's heart quite like seeing her little one not feeling well. I'd take my rambunctious, wild and crazy toddler over that any day.
My loves
The sales this week, I hate to say, were just not exciting for me. However, I did manage to put together some great deals for you and also some that my family would appreciate. I'm crossing my fingers for some better cereal deals that my husband would enjoy for next weeks ad. I have noticed that although we have four or five different kinds of cereal to choose from, he still manages to eat the kids Cheerios that I like to make last. I grabbed the container of Cheerios this morning and saw it was practically empty and wanted to bang my head against the wall. Oh the silly things that trouble my life. How different my problems are now than they used to be when I was independent and a career woman.
Humor aside, I am excited to post a few things this week that I think you will enjoy. Coming up will be a post on how I was able to become a stay-at-home mom (tips for preparing to live on one salary), a recipe for my go-to morning smoothie (I share these with my kids- it's crazy delicious AND good for you), and finally my review on my new products from Honest Company (they should be arriving any day now - can't wait!!).
Target Coupon Savings Book (found in stores) |
If you've been in Target lately, maybe for back-to-school shopping or just for fun, I have noticed they have been handing out coupon books for various products. One coupon book that I'd like to mention is called, "Look Sharp. Save Smart. Target Has it All." and it's FULL of target food and household products. These will be great to pair with manufacturer coupons either at Target or at your Publix if they take Target coupons as a competitor.
All for $10 bucks! |
Remember, now is a great time to print out your coupons as we are nearing the end of the month! See my "Printable Coupons" page to grab them now! The coupons that you notice may not be available any longer were ones that were printed and saved to pair with an upcoming sale. At the beginning of each month a lot of companies put out a whole new set of coupons to print, even though the ones on there currently won't expire for weeks! It's a little coupon trick to keep in your back pocket and GREAT way to save even more when manufacturers take those coupons off from being printables.
So here's today's breakdown... 8/22/13 (if your new to couponing, you may want to peek at my "Coupon Key" page to learn the lingo and get the run down on abbreviations and sources used)