Summer is a great time to catch up on some reading. I have always been a bit of a nerd in the book department, so occasionally I will share one that has really made an impact on me. I received The Honest Life: Living Naturally and True to You
This is also where I found the baby food recipe that I use for my daughter and she loves it. It's simple, easy, and nutritious. It makes baby food delicious and wholesome. I make a big batch and freeze the other half to save for later when life gets crazy busy.
Jessica also gives a simple recipe that she makes for her children for a quick and nutritious breakfast drink. You use a cup of frozen blueberries, handful of spinach, and cup of almond milk and then blend. It's so delicious and filling. My son loves it with a frozen banana blended in as well. Anytime I can sneak in a veggie in his food like spinach I am all about it.
I had discovered that since I became a mom, I have developed a deep passion to providing the healthiest way of life for my family. In food and the products we use. I am far from perfection, but have improved tremendously now that I have the knowledge. Ignorance is not bliss. As ridiculous as it sounds, when I would spray a harsh cleaner and expose myself to the chemicals, I wouldn't think much about it. But when I see my children press their delicate baby faces against the glass that I just cleaned with a cleaner that contains ammonia, that keeps me up at night. Not because of the smudges (those tiny hand and lip prints are adorable), but because I exposed them to harmful chemicals in their little growing bodies. And what about myself? If I want the best for them, how about taking better care of what I use so I can be around as long as possible to enjoy life with them!? There has got to be a better way. And there is!